Our values at Rejlek

Vor einer Maschine stehen drei Männer, die die Unternehmenswerte von Rejlek repräsentieren.

Performance orientation and striving for excellence

Since our foundation, Rejlek has emphasised a high level of commitment and a continuous striving for improvement. We are convinced that sustainable success can only be achieved through commitment, determination and a solution-orientated mindset. Every single employee contributes to achieving the best possible results through commitment and initiative and to living excellence together as a team. We see challenges as an opportunity and a mandate to continuously develop and strengthen our position as a leading company for professional contract manufacturing.

Ein Mann in der Produktionshalle von Rejlek verkörpert die Leistungsbereitschaft und den Teamgeist von Rejlek.

Family-orientated corporate management

As a family-run company, trust, loyalty and a strong sense of togetherness are at the centre of everything we do. Our flat hierarchies enable close dialogue between employees and management, which speeds up decision-making processes and promotes open communication. This informal atmosphere strengthens team spirit and ensures that we work together successfully as a community and realise our full potential, even in challenging times.

Open culture of discussion

At Rejlek, we believe in transparency and an open culture of discussion. We firmly believe that innovation and success are only possible if everyone involved can freely express their ideas and opinions. We therefore consciously create space for critical reflection and constructive feedback, both in daily work processes and in long-term planning processes. This openness not only promotes creativity, but also helps our employees to identify with the company, actively contribute to its development and strive for the best solutions.

Zwei Rejlek-Mitarbeiter in der Produktionshalle, die an einer Maschine arbeiten, repräsentieren das Engagement für persönliche Entwicklung.

Employee orientation and further development

Our team is the heart of our company. That is why we attach great importance to the personal and professional development of each individual. At Rejlek, we offer an environment in which our specialists and apprentices can develop and work on their talents. Training, development opportunities and individual support are an integral part of our corporate strategy to ensure that we always keep pace with the latest developments in the industry.

Flexibility and innovative strength

In an industry as dynamic and fast-changing as ours, flexibility is crucial. At Rejlek, we are characterised by our adaptability as well as our ability to find innovative solutions and manufacture efficiently. Our customer-oriented way of working and our high standards for customised offers allow us to fulfil individual requirements while always keeping an eye on new opportunities for further development.

Ein Rejlek-Mitarbeiter steht vor einer Maschine und verkörpert die Unternehmenswerte von Rejlek.

For us at Rejlek, our values are not just fine words – they are part of our everyday lives. They characterise the way we work, make decisions and cultivate our relationships. They make us what we are today: a successful, responsible and innovative family business with a clear commitment to smart production, top quality, sustainability and humanity.

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